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    Security Announcement

    Renac has noticed that XX has been exposed to have a remote code execution vulnerability with vulnerability number XXXX and a CVSS score of 10.0. Attackers can remotely exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code.

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    Vulnerability reporting

    Renac encourages users, partners, suppliers, security organizations, and independent researchers who discover potential security risks/vulnerabilities to proactively report security vulnerabilities related to Renac products and solutions to Renac PSIRT via email.

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    Disposal standards

    Renac PSIRT will strictly control the scope of vulnerability information, limiting it to only personnel involved in handling vulnerabilities for transmission; At the same time, it is also required that the vulnerability reporter keep this vulnerability confidential until it is publicly disclosed.

Support period: 3 years -from 2024 29th May until 29th May 2027.