
Security Announcement

Security Notice - Explanation of XXX Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Vulnerability acceptance date: 2024-04-15

Vulnerability receiving channels: User reporting

Vulnerability handling date: 2024-04-15

Vulnerability fix and release processing date: 2024-05-01

Renac has noticed that XX has been exposed to have a remote code execution vulnerability with vulnerability number XXXX and a CVSS score of 10.0. Attackers can remotely exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code.

Renac immediately conducted technical analysis on this vulnerability and investigated the affected products. The current investigation results are as follows:

1) Xx device products (xx, xx, xx) are not affected by this vulnerability.
2) Some xx software products are affected by this vulnerability.

If the product you are using is affected, we suggest that you take the following defensive measures immediately:

1) Contact Renac technical support for upgrading.

Renac will closely monitor the latest developments in the event and update in a timely manner as more information is obtained. For questions about Renac products and solutions, you can contact the Renac product security incident response team's email at: Feedback to us.